(9) Past, present, future

In one of my previous blog posts, I have been referring to learning from the past and the importance of not repeating the same mistakes in the future. As I was offered in the past (all the way back in 2016) a role of University Lecturer Majored in Game Design teaching specifically Object Orientated Design …

(8) Impactful Movies – January Tutor Group

This post has included a presentation from a session with Iestyn representing myself in which I forgot to mention impactful movies. As such I am attaching them with some comments below, and presentation has audio recording to provide some context for the slides. Unfortunately, as the slide is over 10 MB I cannot add it …

(7) TaL: First Session Comments – January Lecture Pt. 2

During the first session, all three cohorts were put together, that meant that over 100 people would be in the same space. I was able to assist with some classroom setup, which I also used to research the best possible locations to sit (as due to my dysgraphia and other learning difficulties I work from …

(6) TaL: First Reading – January Lecture Pt. 1

Prior to our first session, we were asked to read two texts of varied length and complexity. I will try to summarise them as I understand them and then reflect on them one by one. Finally, I hope to conclude with comments on the in-session team activity. First Text – Holmwood In his chapter on …

(5) The anxiety of a new teacher story of an Imposter Syndrome

As I always attempt to be ahead of the game, I decided to schedule my initial tutorial, with a personal tutor (Iestyn) as early as possible. We managed to get it done and over with already on the 3rd of January and to a degree, yet it did not help me with my Imposter Syndrome. …

(4) Studying as a game

Personally, I do not understand a British notion within the education system that one’s grades cannot be known to others. Maybe I am biased as my whole education prior to HE was in a different system that everybody knew everyone else grades, but nobody really cared. I mean, yeah if somebody was always failing and …

(3) Being employable or an artist?

During my time at University both formerly as a student and now as staff I have noticed a varied approach to what is being considered a success for a student and a course as such. Some do believe that University is a teaching ground to provide students with higher qualifications needed for high-skill based jobs …

(2) The ambiguity of “rules” – January Induction

While shopping for a new board game, you may lead yourself via a variety of factors – from external artwork, through someone recommendation to “weight and size”. On occasion, you might have a favourite genre, mechanic, designer or just maximum/recommended amount of players. However, whatever your motivation is, you should always start by reading the rules and agreeing on …

(1) Choose your player one

Hi, my name is Thom, but I am better known online under my nickname Fanotherpg. While writing the blog, I will try to be as I am in class, very genuine, self-critical and open. When I was seven years old, I have announced to my parents that I will: study in the United Kingdom (at …