(18) SIP Presentation Feedback

Initial approach and presentation

Recording of the Presentation

Through my Self-initiated Project, I would like to critically evaluate RASE framework (Resources, Activities, Support, Evaluation) implementation as an expansion of the current resource database through the implementation of asynchronous and self-moderated interactive elements of Moodle. I do believe that this evaluation meets the criteria of a small-scale scholarly enquiry within the context of my own academic practice.

I would like to implement the framework within my teaching curricula as part of our transition into Blended teaching delivery. I do believe it would meet the Action Research criteria of being a transformative change in my practice through simultaneous action (implementation of the RASE framework structure and activities) and enquiry (data analysis on students engagement and progression) as well as if time allows satisfaction (based on when results for NSS and USS for 20/21 will be published).

All year one students’ will be participating through engagement with RASE framework materials provided to them on Moodle as part of their curriculum. I plan to use Dashboards data, on progression to be used for comparative purposes. To best evaluate benefits of RASE framework and all individualised engagement data, I need to research further UAL’s Code of Practice on Research Ethics and all supporting documents how to best anonymise it while still being able to present them, to be usable in any future conclusions and to be in line with all legal and ethical procedures and practices.

Optionally I am hoping to gain volunteers from Years 2 and Year 3 who are all of my former students and would be able to provide a legacy perspective on the presentation of the foundational curriculum of their degree. However, this may be way out of the scope of this project, thus its optionality.

Churchill, D., King, M., Webster, B. and Fox, B., 2013. Integrating Learning Design, Interactivity, and Technology. In: 30th ascilite Conference 2013 Proceedings – Electric Dreams. [online] p.140. Available at: <https://www.ascilite.org/conferences/sydney13/program/papers/Churchill.pdf> [Accessed 12 October 2020].

The idea for the implementation of the RASE framework came to me as a result of several factors over the past year:

  • My analysis of NSS and USS feedback from students that despite general high Overal Satisfaction (85-96%) and High Participation (86-100%) has radically different responses for the course being too easy, to easily being left behind for disengaged students who miss on classes.
Responces above are from the same year 1 and show a huge discrepencies based on individuals perspective.
  • Learning through Thinking Teaching last year about Vygotsky’s Scaffolding as well as RASE framework and it inspired my to co-create with my team a road map for the course and ensure that year one is more: accessible, decolonised, representative and supportive which was investigated through my Curriculum Design Elective
Games Design and their Development is a multidisciplinary field that is built solely on complex and intertwined ideas. The graph presents variety of subjects covered on our course.
  • As I come from industry and am interested with my students’ employability I would like to frame in-class activities into findings of Games Fusion Project by the usage of Kolbs Experiential Learning framework (Kolb, 2014), which is the academic version of industries Agile methodologies.
  • I would like to participate in a series of free educational training related to Blended teaching to better undestand current literature on the subject and have a better preperation on how this research should be carried out.
  • Learning through a variety of staff training offered by Digital Learning including course as well as the Academic Enhancement Model has already taken place through Staff Development Weeks between March and October 2020.
Bespoke Blend-IT course has been developed by LCCs Digital Learning team and is an inspirational usage of RASE framework within Moodle.

The initial pitch idea has been recognised as worthwhile by both Iestyn (September) and Lindsay (October) however as soon as I started building the presentation I realised that I am not sure if I have “over scoped” the SIP or am bad at explaining it within the limit of 10 minutes. To be able to deliver within given time limit I have decided to use UAL’s new video Platform Panopto as both a learning experience prior to the recording of sessions for my own course, but as well as meta-experience for SIP presentation (as pre-recorded videos can serve as Resources and foundations for Support). The video closed in 10:02 with the last slide being just an invitation to discuss, question and share some ideas and as such was accepted to be presented on the live session on the 14th of October.

Presentation Feedback

Recording of the Feedback part of my presentation.

All of the feedback has been supportive and enabled me on some reflection in terms of my SIP project. In general, participants were concerned with the scope of the SIP project which suggests that the presentation was not clear in the separation of what lead me to a conclusion what I would like to do for the SIP project (all of the above, as summarised below) and what SIP project will include (evaluation of the impact of the implementation of RASE Framework on students performance, based on collected data).

  • background “research” in terms of engaging with NSS data, simplifying Unit structure (Curriculum Design Elective and its implementation) and creation of resources has already been done.
  • The inspiration of Blend-It, AEM and other training provided by Digital Learning already have taken place, so it is more reflection on those and implementation of best practice
  • The biggest practical workload is the creation of pre-recorded sessions and exploration of interactive activities on Moodle, however, this is a must for me due to blended delivery of my course and aiming as a whole team at maintaining the highest score and participation on the survey reports.

Feedback from my peers:

  • Sheldon
    • Good video prepared ahead of time
    • Props for using and referencing DL tools (Blend-it)
    • Appreciates practicality of this project and its formal exploration of Digital Learning and RASE Framework
    • Suggested considering research into Constructive Alignment for Literature Review for conjunction with RASE Framework
      • Comment: This is something I will like to have a deeper look into
    • Methodology expanded by “User Acceptance Testing” that may not be possible due to time-frame chosen (this academic year)
    • As Game Design teacher Moodle attempts to Gamify User Experience like User Completion Reports
      • Comment: Alongside dashboards, I wanted to look into those reports, but need to better understand UALs data policies in regards to their collection and anonymisation for Research purposes
    • Referring to do a focus group with students and ethics approval form
      • Comment: Focus groups meant to be more an optional addition for constructive feedback from a students perspective
  • Nathaniel
    • Wondering on data analysis, as enough good resource without need of focus groups
      • Comment: Yes the main focus of this SIP is data analysis on how the implementation of RASE framework will impact students performance in terms of grades obtained for the first term in relation to grades given out in previous 2-3 years
    • Due to presenter appearing to be technical minded there can be an interesting quantitive data analysis
      • I would have to look into how quantitive data analysis works and how, if at all, it could be used in the final presentation of my findings
  • Petra
    • Great and interesting
    • A lot of ground covered
      • Comment: As mentioned in the presentation I would like to research term 1 as it is foundational in building students understanding for the whole 3 years of the course and must act quickly with the whole structure as it is happening Monday
    • It would be good to have a bit of lieu way if anything interesting comes in the process of developing the SIP, instead of having so much already planned
      • Comment: I totally agree that this project can be easily expanded into something much bigger and I hope that I would find some interesting findings that could be explored further in MA Academic Practice
  • Richard
    • Cover quite a lot of ground
    • Sound ambitious
    • Recommending to reach out to Graham Barton, Academic Support-Co-ordinator
      • Comment: This can be very useful contact to help me better understand and operate with Dashboard data as well as Universities policies related to such data collection and usage.
  • Katayoun
    • Compared to what I had in mind its a lot of stuff
  • Iestyn
    • Found captions quite funny
    • A lot there for SIP project
    • Offer a lot less and deliver a lot more
    • When I start your SIP and this presentation remains the same and due matters beyond my control, I won’t be to deliver a quarter of what I have promised here, I will be marked down for offering this massive project that got people excited but done just basic research
      • Comment: I was perplexed by this feedback, as in my opinion, the SIP is very simple as it includes RASE framework implementation and its potential impact based on evaluation of the grade data
    • Reminds of a PhD (…) It is a starting point, it does not have to be a complete project if the SIP gets you in a position to be enabled to go further on, with another field of research that is enough.
      • Comment: I would hope that the findings of this SIP and potential benefits of RASE Framework within the blended mode of teaching, could help me to pitch to my Team to allow me to investigate this area further into a MA Academic Practice with a combination of Research through Practice and Technology Enhanced Learning, the same way as my findings from Curriculum Design have been used as the foundation for our updated 20/21 Handbook and Units.
    • SIPs change over time, after even 3 weeks of initial research, it is better to expand on the project rather than reduce it to be realistic and not overambitious.
    • SIP needs to be a research project that can answer only one question to take you on further
      • Comment: Can implementation of RASE Framework in BA (Hons) Games Design delivered in blended/online model help in supporting attainment and retention by reducing referrals and resubmissions? (Optionally) while simultaneously upkeeping students high overall satisfaction from the course?

My response feedback on the day seemed to be understood by and our tutor (Iestyn) and peers (who had no more questions) in which I have explained that the scope of this SIP is much smaller than understood by everyone involved.

  • Scope:
    • Half of the presentation is an explanation of where I am coming from (as presented above in Initial Approach – practice, digital learning, curriculum design) and hot it builds up to the SIP
    • The biggest chunk of things like materials to be delivered (presentations & resources) that is already done (from past years) it is more about organisation and presentation
    • As per Sheldon suggestions, it is more about Constructive Alignment with Activities and Evaluation to be the focus of the SIP
  • Methodology:
    • Totally agree with Nathaniel that observation and data analysis should be good enough (did student grades improved and are students more satisfied)
    • All focus groups are optional (as well as longer individual interviews) as I was unsure if I had too much or not enough, so I thought how I could possibly expand it
    • Feedback forms, throughout the duration of the course I had conversations with students as 1-2-1s in class how they find material and how they find materials, but due to COVID, I cannot use it as an adequate method

Closing thoughts

I would have to discuss with my tutor how I can possibly simplify message/scale of this SIP is based on the feedback gathered. It is not that I am not ambitious or adventerous enough to explore this project further but I would like to have it manageable and clearly understandable by my peers in what it is that I am working on and want to achieve.

Please see below my feedback to my peers’ presentations:

  • Sheldon
    • I liked that presentation was to the point and presented in a contained and smooth way
    • Quotes provided on the screen, but with no time to read them, while presenter expands that point.
    • Using multiple colours to highlight elements of the presentation
  • Nathaniel
    • Appears to be way more complex than my SIP.
    • Katayoun pointed out that it might be challenging not to disadvantage or disenfranchise any participants with which I totally agree
    • Referencing to AEM model as potential assistance, contacts and guidance.
  • Katayoun
    • Confused/conflicted about the usage of opinions that are hard to implement in an academic piece which should be standardised and regulated
    • Comparison of non-traditional to traditional educations, just one subset, that at the end of the day, if anyone would like to provide a recognisable certification to be recognised outside of the organisation.

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