(17) Flipped October

For this session, as a delivery method was flipped I also decided to take a flipped approach to my blog post, and rather than afterthoughts, choose it as a real-time note-taking activity.

Mini lecture 1 (Template Portfolio for Teaching & Learning):

  • Prior to this material been published, I have already set up my workflow page and asked Lindsay and Iestyn for some guidance in terms of outstanding activities I had (online observation, case studies, self-initiated project). Despite this, I have watched it until the end, which resulted in being demonstrated an interesting alternative of presenting documents as PDFs that can be displayed on the page.
  • The first Lecture indicates that Case Studies (one of my missing parts) are part of Mini Lecture 2 – so I am looking forward to this.
  • In terms of upcoming SIP presentation apparently the core features are the project idea. Presented via images, notes, summary, feedback… We have only 2 weeks left for it.
  • Elective Unit should be displayed as multiple blocks (URL or Download file) – I have run my Elective as a Trello board and the submission was across 7 different Word documents, thus I just left it as one Block with links and necessary Zip upload. But I added the final Timeline that works as a summary as separate PDF block.
  • I have added secret links to my previous blog posts linking to the Workflow page and given access to both Iestyn and Lindsay.

Mini lecture 2 (Three Case Studies)

  • The main focus of the three case studies is to cover all three areas of activity UK Professional Standards Framework
    • Planning & Design
    • Teaching & Supporting Learning
    • Students progressing through Assessment & Helping to understand
  • We are meant to engage with policy through practice and scholarship
  • We should have a reflective and evaluative approach, using a particular example.
    • How you do it?
    • Why you do it?
    • How does it work?
    • What is good and bad about it?
    • What opportunities are for doing it differently?
    • How you may approach it in different ways?
  • Template leads through this with the questions and categories.
    • Be critical.
    • Why students like it?
    • How confident am I a teacher?
    • How you can evidence it?
  • Flesh it out through engagement with the policy, practice and scholarship (literature from Moodle, tasks, strategies, different teaching formats, teaching online resources, everything you experienced as a learner of PGCert – NSS, TEF)
  • Refer to at least 2-3 things per page.
  • Duct tape between your feelings and practice.
  • Assessment and Feedback are not about grading
    • It is about supporting students how they are doing
    • Helping them to understand where they are.
  • Use Word Bank as well as Areas of Activities listed at the very bottom of Moodle page.

Mini Lecture 3 (Presentations 14th October)

The format of the presentation should be as follow:

  • Presentation length:
    • 10 minutes max to present
    • 10 minutes to discuss, get questions, suggestions, ideas etc.
  • This should be accessible via a link (not download) so use YouTube or Panopto.

Core elements of the presentation should include:

  • Research: evaluation, feedback, assessing, what are the next steps
    • You will need to do scholarly work (interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, more creative visual methods) research.
  • Action element to Research with theoretical and empirical aspects.
    • Action research – Can be an evaluation of something implemented into Term 1
      • Justify structure and evaluate it.
      • It should be small and contained, something you think about doing.
  • Potentially implement mindmap
  • To lookout beyond once practice into wider scholarship available

Live Q&A

The majority of the session was focused around questions related to the setup of Workflow page (which I already had done). And my only issue was in regards to the layout (as Workflow Update messed up the Colour Scheme of Dark Layout, which I was able to find after the session has finished).

As a result of Dr. Wongkaew question Lindsay expanded on practice and scholarship: Opportunities not to only reflect inwardly, but also look beyond to scholarship out there – teaching and learning journals and conferences. A rigorous evidence approach. Take oppurtunities to link to articles you have read, books, online resources, other people practice. TEF implications, Dashboard data and how NSS data impacts courses. Using the HEA structuring requirement meaningfully for your specific context.

Just before the end of the session (1:22:07), I managed to ask a question, based around my skeletal structure for the SIP project that was as follow:

“So if I have an idea that I would like to implement term 1 in my teaching as a consequence of reflection on my own practice through the lens of T&L and Elective units, SIP could be a critical evaluation of those new approaches and techniques in practice?”

To which Lindsay feedbacked:
“That sounds wonderful Thom, in fact that’s brilliant. A great way of wording it, indeed!”.

And thus the idea of “RAiSE the Game” has been moved from conceptual into planning stage.

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