(14) Discussion task – Late July

I was put in the group alongside Ben and Matt to discuss pre-selected work in the format of the forum.

Ben was first to start the snowball by discussing my submission of A Model of Learning Objectives based on A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, which was quite a nice back and forth between all three of us.

Team discussion on my project.

As during week I was too busy with my students, it took me till the weekend to pick up the conversation where I also started conversations about Craig Calhoun (2015) ‘Religion, the public sphere and higher education’, Religion in Britain: Challenges for Higher Education (London: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education), pp.14-22 and An introduction to the manifesto for illustration pedagogy: a lexicon for contemporary illustration practice, both of which were very interesting texts to get myself familiarised with.

Matt subject was a back and forth between two of us
Due to heavy subject of Bens post it was a bit more in-depth conversation among all three of us.

As such our intense and in-depth conversations positively surprised Lindsay, which I guess is always a good sign. And once again, as with Microteaching, the variety of materials provided and our points of view from our unique expertise shown how diverse academia is.

A short post by Lindsay, being impressed by our conversations (posted above) as well as highlighting difficulties with Moodle.

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